We've helped businesses hire more than 1.4 million great people.

The past 12 months have been a tumultuous time for recruiters, but despite a slowing global economy, there are still huge skill shortages. It’s still a candidate’s market. Jobseekers and employees still hold the power to demand more from employers – whether that’s higher salaries, greater flexibility, or better benefits. To stay competitive, companies need to understand exactly what their ideal candidates are looking for, and position themselves as an employer of choice.

This report will give you everything you need to know to create a first-rate candidate experience, as well as actionable ways to include these tips in your hiring strategy. By giving you concrete statistics, we’ll take the guesswork out of addressing your candidates’ concerns.


Download this report to learn:

  • What jobseekers really want to know about your company before they apply, with insights drawn from Clinch research. This includes: 
    • The type of questions jobseekers ask
    • How candidates’ concerns have changed over the past 12 months
    • How and where you should be answering these questions 
  • The type of information you need to share on career sites, in messaging, and in candidate communications
  • How to respond to candidate questions at-scale
  • How to use employee stories to create engaging, authentic candidate experiences
  • How early careers talent needs to be treated differently

Get started with your free report.

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